Central to the religious life of the school is the person of Jesus Christ who came among us β€˜as one who serves’ (Luke 22.27). Our Catholic school is committed to reaching out to help those in need, through charitable outreach initiatives. All outreach activities connect to the person of Jesus Christ and to the sacraments, especially the Eucharist. Drawing on the Catholic Social Teaching of the Church, we have a deep commitment to supporting a range of charitable organisations, families and individuals in need.

The Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary School Fairfield community, through its Josephite charism, lives by the example of St Mary MacKillop, to “never see a need without doing something about it” and is very generous in responding to appeals from the wider community.Β 

Our involvement with Mini Vinnies plays an important role in promoting the evangelising mission of the Church to encounter Christ both in word and deed. Students also attend youth festivals and participate in other outreach initiatives that demonstrate the Josephite values in their lives.